



2024-07-19 06:27:36 来源:网络


操场 英文??
1👿🌏_🏒🐈‍⬛、我在操场上观看了100米赛跑🐲——😍🐾。I watched the 100-meter race on the playground.2🦄——🦡🐆、他们经常在操场上进行足球训练🧨——🐿。They often have football training on the playground.3🤡|-🪁*、第二天下午🎭😬__🐭👺,妈妈带我回到学校操场🤐-_🐸。The next afternoon Mum took me back to the school playground.4😺🐰-💐🎟、然后它可以形成公园有帮助请点赞🐍-🦮🦠。
1🎍__🦕、Jeff: Hi, Ernie! I haven't seen you and Miles at the playground lately.杰夫🎀🐖_——🪅🙄:嗨🎾🦥——-🐰,尔尼🐵_*!我最近都没看到你和麦尔斯在操场玩🐙🎃|_🦍🤿。2🥋-|🏑🍁、We have a rectangular playground in our school我们学校有一个长方形的操场🤢||🐆*。3🐬🐓-😀、The three clubs joined up to improve the town's playground facilities.三希望你能满意🐟🐖——🦠。


playground造句如下🤧😜|_🐭:1🦡——|😛🦖、This park is a playground for children.这个公园就是孩子们的乐园🌾|🐘*。2🏈————*、The students had to take refuge in this playground after the earthquake.地震发生后🐪_☘🌦,学生们只能在这个操场上避难🦦🦀——-🦔。3🐹——🐂😇、This newly opened playground attracts tens of thousands of visitors every day.这有帮助请点赞🐽😰——😂。
操场英语playground🤗🐝__🌾🦗,读法是🍄|🤣🌷:英['pleɪgraʊnd]美['ple'graʊnd]🐸-🦠🏏。playground造句1🐑🤡——🐥、Jeff:Hi,Ernie!I haven't seen you and Miles at the playground lately.杰夫🦝🙂_🐑:嗨👽🙂-——🤥♦,尔尼🤓-_😳🌎!我最近都没看到你和麦尔斯在操场玩😭🐨|🦩🐚。2😟——_🐗、We have a rectangular playground in our school🦖🐁————🍀🦛。我们学校有等会说✨——🦚🙃。
1🦮-🎭、adventure playground🐦🦌||🦛🦀:儿童游乐园🏸🎁_*🌸。2🎟🐏||😹🐦、playground equipment🤕_😞🌎:操场设备🐵🎄——🐈,游乐场设备🐒🐩|☀️,游乐设备🤧-_🐃🦛。单词造句😘--🦮🦜:1🤨————🎃🐕、The mountains are a playground for hang-gliders.那些山是悬挂式滑翔机爱好者的活动场所😪——🍂。2🐪🎰——🎉🦖、A lot of children are flying kites on the playground.很多孩子在操场上放风筝🦊🐬-☘️🥍。3😟--🤗、The 好了吧🤩🐺-_🦆!
playground造句1🤫——🦆🎀、You can often see me on playground of our school.你可以经常在我们学校的操场上看到我🤩_——⚾💐。2🌩😄||*‍❄🌳、On his way to school, Tom passed by a playground.在上学的路上*‍❄🦟|-🐼,汤姆经过一个操场🦎☁️|——😉🦔。3🍂🐖——|🦜、Do you have a swing, a slide or a seesaw on your playground?你的操场上有秋千🌔🐯||🦎、滑梯希望你能满意🦀_——🃏。
There is a big playground behind the teaching building.在教学楼后面有一个大操场😗🕸|🐸。We play baseball on the school playground on Sunday.星期天我们会在学校操场打棒球🏏🦫|——🐀🌪。I often watch them play football on the playground.我常看他们在操场上踢球🤬————🐭🙀。
year , before, duck, playground 连起来造句Before the years when this building was still a wide playground, there used to have some ducks walk around in there 在这栋楼房还是一块宽阔的操场之前🦧-——👺🐇, 那里经常有鸭子在那里走来走去year , before, duck, playground 每个单词造一句year A还有呢?
in the playgound造句??
The children are playing in the playground.
1.Cancer kills thousands of people every year.每年数以千计的人死于癌症😖-_🌕🤤。2.What was the murder weapon ?用的是什么凶器?3.I like bright colours.我喜欢艳丽的色彩🏉_*🐩。4. Look at the children tearing about in the playground. 瞧那些在游戏场上奔跑的孩子们⭐️🌝|-🐽🧨。5.A peal of church bells 等我继续说💐|🎾。